速報APP / 社交 / Chat With Strangers

Chat With Strangers





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:C/Gipuzkoa 2, Zalla, Bizkaia, Spain

Chat With Strangers(圖1)-速報App

TuiLand is a chat without registration inspired by the groups that form outside of the internet (classmates, work collegues, etc..). From this limited group of people who haven't chosen each other, life long friendships can emerge.

Chat With Strangers(圖2)-速報App

Participants enter a social network formed of a fixed number of 32 people, equal parts men and women, the rest is totally casual.

Chat With Strangers(圖3)-速報App

In TuiLand you don't use photos or real names, only avatars. Using these characters allows you to guard your own identity, bringing you new freedom.

Chat With Strangers(圖4)-速報App

In this new space, be yourself, starting from zero.

Chat With Strangers(圖5)-速報App